Make money while in dental school: 5 skills that got me 2500$/month

make money while in dental school

The journey of dental school is an exciting and rewarding path.

I’m a fresh dental graduate, and believe me, it is.

However, it’s no secret that pursuing a dental career can be financially demanding. The cost of tuition, textbooks, dental equipment, and living expenses can quickly add up, leaving many students searching for ways to alleviate the financial burden.

Fortunately, there are numerous creative and practical ways for dental students just like you to generate income while pursuing their studies (which I personally followed and tested).

In this article, I’ll present you with ten applicable ideas to help you make money while in dental school.

These suggestions range from part-time jobs that accommodate your academic schedule to leveraging your dental knowledge and skills to offer specialized services.

Whether you’re seeking to supplement your income, save for future expenses such as post-grad studies & exams, or simply make the most of your time as a dental student, this article aims to equip you with practical strategies and actionable ideas to monetize your skills and passions.

Remember, while generating income during dental school is a valuable endeavor, it’s essential to maintain a balance between work and academics. Time management, prioritization, and self-care will be crucial elements in successfully juggling your financial pursuits and educational commitments.

Following the ideas that I’m about to share with you, I was able to make between 1500-2500$ a month as a dental student, graduating from the dental school at University of Jordan with a GPA of 3.90 out of 4 ranking #3 out of 270 students.

my certificate graduating form dental school at the university of Jordan with a degree of excellence

So, if you’re ready to discover creative ways to make money while thriving in dental school, let’s dive into these ten applicable ideas that can turn your time as a student into a period of financial growth, personal development, and professional advancement.

5 Skills to make money while in dental school

1. Content Writing

Content writing is my “first love”.

This skill has emerged in the digital age, offering a flexible and lucrative opportunity for individuals with a knack for words.

As a dental student, your unique expertise and passion for oral health can be channeled into creating engaging and informative content that caters to various platforms and audiences.

Incorporating content writing into your repertoire not only allows you to sharpen your communication skills but also provides a means to earn money while pursuing your dental education.

Whether it’s producing blog articles, social media posts, website copy, or even academic papers, your talent for crafting compelling content can open doors to a diverse range of paid opportunities.

1. Dental Blogging

Share your knowledge and insights by starting your own dental blog. Write informative articles on oral health, dental procedures, and oral care tips, and monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing.

This will not only help you get extra cash, but will also help you in your studies, because teaching is the best way to learn.

2. Freelance Writing

Join freelance platforms like Fiverr & Upwork, and offer your content writing services to dental practices, oral health organizations, or dental product companies.

3. Academic Writing

Utilize your research and writing skills to assist fellow dental students or professionals with academic papers, literature reviews, or case studies.

I used to work as a research assistant for one of my professors at The University of Jordan, and I was able to make around 350$ a month by working around 10-15 hours a week.

4. Writing for businesses

At first, this may sound weird, but I worked for many non-dental businesses as a content writer.

Writing needs knowledge, and with enough determination, I was able to get enough knowledge to write content pieces that served several business goals.

For example, I worked for, a startup that offers restaurant operations solutions, earning around 1200$ a month, and by learning the business basics from Zohare Haider, the CEO, and other team members, It became easy for me to write their Arabic blog posts.

Sometimes, you don’t need to learn the business to write, some companies do have their content in a certain language and only require someone to translate this content to a different language.

In this case, you don’t need to have knowledge in their niche, you only need to translate/re-write the content in the required language.

2. Copywriting

For me, this skill is a higher/more specialized skill than content writing.

Copywriting is part of content writing, it means in simple words writing content for ads.

It is the art of crafting written content that captivates and engages your audience, leading them to take desired actions.

Whether you’re writing Google Ads copies, social media captions, website copy, or email newsletters, the ability to create compelling and persuasive messages is essential in today’s digital landscape.

From personal experience, I found that copywriters make more money than content writers with less effort, but this doesn’t make it an easy skill.

To leverage persuasive language, you have to structure your content effectively, and tap into the psychology of your audience to evoke desired responses.

To be a good copywriter:

1. Understand Your Target Audience: Discover techniques to identify and understand your target audience’s needs, desires, and pain points. By understanding their motivations, you can tailor your copy to resonate deeply with their aspirations and challenges.

Remember, always write your copies with the audience needs/desires in mind.

2. Craft Compelling Headlines: Learn the art of crafting attention-grabbing headlines that entice readers to click, read, and engage with your content.

3. Develop Persuasive Copy: Dive into the psychology of persuasion and learn how to create copy that triggers emotions, addresses objections, and drives action.

4. A/B Test, Analyze, and Iterate.

I’m currently working for The Virtual Medical Academy in KSA as a copywriter who’s responsible for crafting content for social media posts and campaigns, emails and blog posts, promoting different courses and conferences that the academy offers.

In terms of money, I make 1200$ a month working only 3-4 hours a day.

3. Social Media Management

Offer your expertise in managing social media accounts for dental practices. Craft engaging posts, respond to inquiries, and help build an online presence for these entities.

This actually one of the most fun things to work on.

I’m working with Dr.Hasan AbuMaizar, a Consultant Endodontist here in Jordan, managing his website & Instagram page, and I get around 300$ a month, having fun sharing interesting cases, memes, tips for patients and more !

4. SEO Content Planning

With the growing demand for online content, businesses are constantly seeking skilled individuals who can optimize their websites and attract more organic traffic.

Those businesses are great targets for you to share your expertise in SEO content planning.

This represents a real chance for you to earn a steady income and gain valuable experience that complements your dental studies.

For example, I worked for Noon Academy, which is a leading e-learning platform in MENA region as a content planner.

My job was to create a monthly content calendar containing primary & secondary keywords to be targeted in 70 articles ranging between short & long-form.

I made 720$ a month, which was really great !

If you’re interested in learning SEO & keyword research, a good place to start is completing Google’s inclusive digital marketing course called: Fundementals of Digital Marketing.

It is free to take, and you get a certification of completion after passing the final exam.

Husam Alhurani's certification of completion for Google's Fundementals of digital marketing course.

5. Google Ads Campaigns Creation & Management

Next on the list, consider diving into the realm of Google Ads campaigns.

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses to display targeted ads on Google search results pages and other websites within the Google Display Network. Here’s how you can leverage this opportunity to make money while in dental school:

1. Acquire Google Ads Certification

Start by obtaining the Google Ads certification to demonstrate your proficiency in managing ad campaigns. This certification showcases your knowledge of Google Ads best practices, campaign optimization, and performance tracking, making you a trusted professional in the field.

I completed a Udemy course titled “Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021: Profit with Pay Per Click”. Despite being recorded in 2021, I found it really really useful for those who’re just starting to learn the basics and more.

my certification of completion for Ultimate google ads training course

2. Offer Campaign Creation Services

Reach out to dental practices and other businesses and offer your services in creating and setting up Google Ads campaigns tailored to their specific needs.

Conduct thorough keyword research, write compelling ad copy and send it to them as a proposal.

3. Stay Updated and Expand Your Knowledge

The digital advertising landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest trends and strategies. Continuously educate yourself on new features and advancements within the Google Ads platform. Attend webinars, read industry blogs, and network with other professionals to ensure you’re delivering cutting-edge solutions to your clients.

I’m currently managing Google Ads campaigns for Dr.Hasan AbuMaizar’s clinic. Also, I was responsible for managing a Google Ads campaign promoting Speetar Health telemedicine app to drive more installs.

This can get you extra 300-400$ a month in your pocket.

Creating the campaign needs time, but once it starts working, managing it is really easy and require much less time, giving you more time to focus on your studies.

Final words

Making money while in dental school is an exciting opportunity to not only support yourself financially but also gain valuable experience outside of the classroom.

With dedication and the right skills, you can unlock various income streams that align with your dental education and passion.

One of the key advantages of learning these income-generating skills while in dental school is the flexibility they offer.

Unlike traditional part-time jobs, these skills can get you jobs that can be tailored to fit your schedule, allowing you to balance your academic commitments effectively.

You can choose to work on projects during evenings, weekends, or during breaks between classes, ensuring that your studies remain the top priority.

These experiences will not only bolster your resume but also set you apart from other dental graduates when it comes to future job opportunities.

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, explore your passions, and embark on this journey of making money while in dental school, and you’ll find yourself well-prepared for a successful career in dentistry.

If you’re interested in reading about a business model of passive income for dentists / dental students that I’m currently following, I would like to invite you to read my article titled: Passive income for dentists: An almost zero-cost business model

Best of luck hustlers 🙂

Hey there! Dr. Husam Alhurani (DDS) here! 👋

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