Rotary endo files sequence: are you using them correctly?

Rotary endo files sequence

The sequence of rotary endodontic files used during root canal treatment can vary depending on the specific endodontic system or technique being used.

Different systems and clinicians may have their own preferred sequences, and keep in mind that the specific system and sequence used can vary, so it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or your endodontist’s recommendations.

ProTaper Gold Rotary Endo Files Sequence:

The ProTaper Gold system is a popular rotary endodontic file system used for root canal treatment. Here is a typical rotary endo files sequence for the ProTaper Gold system:

protaper rotary endo file
  1. Scouting File Sx (Extra-Small): The Sx file is used as a scout file to help locate the root canal orifices and establish a glide path to guide the subsequent files into the canal.
  2. Shaping File S1 (Small): S1 is the first shaping file and is used for initial access and preliminary shaping of the coronal and middle portions of the root canal.
  3. Shaping File S2 (Small-Medium): S2 continues the shaping process by working further into the canal, gradually increasing in taper to create a smoother pathway.
  4. Shaping File F1 (Medium): F1 is used for shaping the middle and apical portions of the canal, preparing it for the final shaping files.
  5. Shaping File F2 (Medium-Large): F2 further shapes the apical portion of the canal, ensuring proper taper and dimensions.
  6. Finishing File F3 (Large): F3 is the largest file and is used for the final shaping of the canal.
  7. Irrigation and Cleaning: Thorough irrigation with a suitable irrigant, such as sodium hypochlorite, is crucial to clean the canal, remove debris, and disinfect the root canal system.
  8. Obturation: After proper shaping and cleaning, the obturation process is carried out, involving the filling of the canal with a root canal sealer and gutta-percha to seal the space and prevent reinfection.

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WaveOne Gold Rotary Endo Files Sequence:

  1. Primary Shaping (WaveOne Gold Primary): This file is typically used for initial access and shaping of the coronal and middle portions of the root canal. It helps establish a smooth pathway for subsequent files.
  2. Medium Shaping (WaveOne Gold Medium): This file is used to continue shaping the middle and apical portions of the canal. It gradually increases in taper to prepare the canal for a more defined shape.
  3. Finishing Shaping (WaveOne Gold Large): The large file is used for final shaping of the entire canal, including the apical portion. This file helps create a smooth and predictable taper throughout the canal.
  4. Reciprocation or Finishing File (WaveOne Gold Glider): The Glider file is typically used in a reciprocating motion to help finish and smooth the canal walls before obturation. It can also serve as a glide path preparation file.
  5. Irrigation and Cleaning: Throughout the procedure, it’s essential to use copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or other irrigants to clean the root canal system thoroughly. This step helps remove debris and disinfect the canal.
  6. Obturation: After the canal is properly shaped and cleaned, you can proceed with the obturation process, which involves filling the canal with a suitable root canal sealer and gutta-percha to seal the space and prevent reinfection.

It’s important to note that the specific files and sequence may vary based on the case’s complexity, anatomy, and the clinician’s preferences. Therefore, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with an experienced endodontist when performing root canal therapy. Additionally, other endodontic systems and techniques may have different file sequences, so it’s essential to adapt your approach based on the system you are using and the individual case requirements.

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